Archive by Author

Cairns QLD Appointments Now Available (monthly visits)

Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger LinkedinLynda Carlyle, accredited Sex Therapist and Couples Therapist, will be visiting Cairns Queensland once a month. Cairns QLD Appointments Now Available (monthly visits) For bookings call: (07) 4242 5300 Cairns Doctors, 2/532 Mulgrave Road, Earlville, QLD 4870 CAIRNS DATES & TIMES ► (Dates and times listed may not reflect […]

What’s in a name? Name change for marriage.

Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger Linkedin”What’s in a name?” aired 24/06/2018 on “The Hook UP”, Triple J (podcast) “What’s in a name? It’s been a tradition that women take their husband’s name when they get married, but that’s been changing, hyphenated names, blended names, guys taking their wives names. You’ll hear from people who’ve […]

Why men and women still think differently about sex

Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger article by Sarah Daffy, published SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 IT’S 2017 and you’d think men and women would be on the same page when it came to the pleasures of sex. But there’s still a big gap in bedroom motivations. LYNDA Carlyle, accredited Sex and Relationship Therapist, Sexologist and […]


Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger Linkedin”Stealthing” aired 02/05/2017 on “The Hook UP”, Triple J (podcast) “Removing a condom mid-sex act without the other person knowing now has a name – ‘stealthing’. But why do people do it? How does it make the victim feel, and is it sexual assault? We hear from friend of […]

My juggling attempts at the Vulcana Circus workshop

Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger LinkedinI presented at the Channel Country Ladies Day again for 2016 My juggling attempts at the Vulcana Women’s Circus workshop.   CHANNEL COUNTRY LADIES DAY “The population of Australia’s smallest town increased from zero to 200 for the fifth annual Channel Country Ladies day. The event brought women from […]

Channel Country Ladies Day 2016

Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger LinkedinI presented at the Channel Country Ladies Day again for 2016 Click images for gallery view

Society of Australian Sexologists

Share this… Facebook WhatsappBluesky Threads Messenger LinkedinSociety of Australian Sexologists, Victorian Branch, Journal Club Meeting, October 2016. Happy sexologists – a 3D model of a clitoris each! Red or glow in the dark! Thank you Linda Kirkman and Jim Ettles!