Sexologist Lynda Carlyle in the Media

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Lynda on Triple J's The Hook UP Podcasts

24/06/2018What's in a name? (podcast)

"What's in a name?" aired 24/06/2018 on "The Hook UP", Triple J (podcast)

"What's in a name? It's been a tradition that women take their husband's name when they get married, but that’s been changing, hyphenated names, blended names, guys taking their wives names. You'll hear from people who’ve done it all…"

Lynda Carlyle is a guest speaker on The Hook Up with Nat Tencic

17/05/2017Stealthing (podcast)

Tom Tilley from Hack (Triple J radio station) followed up on this subject, Wednesday 17 May 2017:
Stealthing: who does it, what the lawyers say, and can you take it to court? (podcast)
"Two stories of stealthing: one from a man who says he stealths his sexual partners 'most of the time', and another from a man who says he was stealthed and has gone to the police."