Rejoyn Constriction Kit – Medical

AUD $85.00 inc GST

Only 2 left in stock


Rejoyn is a simple ring system that can be used to give support to maintain erection hardness for men who have difficulty maintaining (or lose) their erections. It can be used alone or in conjunction with a vacuum erection device (VED) (penis pump).

These support rings restrict penile venous outflow when applied after an erection has been obtained. It restricts the flow of blood returning to the body from the penis, and so maintains the erection.

When to use this system on its own:

  • If you are initially able to get a 90% erection but have difficulty maintaining it
  • To enhance the effects of oral medications for erections (Viagra, Levitra or Cialis)
  • In conjunction with injectable medications to improve how long your erection lasts

If you are unable to get a good firm erection or your erection with this ring is not firm enough to penetrate, you may also need to use a penis pump / vacuum erection device (VED).

[Instructions are given in the Using a Penis Ring and Using a Penis Pump sections in the FAQ section]

  • Package includes 3 rings of varying sizes, water-soluble lubricant, loading cone, loading sleeve
  • It is very important that you read the user manual before use.
  • Zippered storage pouch provided
  • Looped handles to assist with loading onto the loading sleeve, and with removing the ring
  • Use only water-based lubricants with this product. Do not use silicone or oil based lubricant
  • Ring material: Silicone, phthalate free
  • Ring 1: Total length 57 x 10mm, Ring Diameter Outer: 30mm, Diameter Inner: 9mm
  • Ring 2: Total length 59 x 10mm, Ring Diameter Outer: 30mm, Diameter Inner: 12mm
  • Ring 3: Total length 65 x 10mm, Ring Diameter Outer: 33mm, Diameter Inner: 14mm

Important Safety Information

  • The support ring should be worn for no longer than 30 minutes. If worn longer, it can cause serious injury
  • Frequent use may result in bruising at the base of the penis (where the shaft meets the pubic bone)
  • Allow a minimum of 60 minutes between uses
  • Do not fall asleep wearing the support ring
  • Use the largest ring that supports an erection
  • Do not use the Rejoyn System under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Misuse of the support rings may worsen existing medical conditions such as Peyronie's Disease (a condition that causes distortion or abnormal bend of the erect penis), priapism (prolonged erection) and blocked urethra (urinary tract)
  • Do not use if you have decreased sensation of pain in the penile area
  • Do not use if you have decreased hand strength that will make ring removal difficult
  • Use of the support ring may cause bruising. Don't be overly concerned if you notice some bruising on the penis or small red spots below the skin - these will fade in a few days.

Brand: Pos-T-Vac

Lynda's Tip: If you have erection difficulties, it is important to speak to your doctor or myself prior to using this device to avoid a possible harmful delay in working out a possible cause for the problem.

Unfortunately, some doctors may not be comfortable discussing sexual matters with you. If this happens to you, please persist and contact me for an appropriate referral.

Make an appointment if you would like one-on-one instruction on how to use this product. Seek advice from your doctor or myself immediatelyshould any problems occur.